terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2012

Felicidade é uma arma quente, Liberdade é um frango grelhado

"I paid most attention to what kind of food he ate outside the camp."

"What kind of food he had eaten?"

"A lot of different things. Broiled chicken. Barbecued pig. The most important thing was the thought that even a prisoner like me could eat chicken and pork if I were able to escape the barbed wires."

"I've heard people define freedom in many ways. I've never heard someone define it as broiled chicken."

"I still think of freedom in that way."

"That's what freedom means to you?"

"People can eat what they want. It could be the greatest gift from God."

"You were ready to die-- just to get a good meal?"


Trecho da entrevista com o norte-coreano nascido em um campo de prisioneiros que, após 23 anos, conseguiu escapar. Entrevista pra quem gosta de ler e pra quem gosta de assistir.

Tendo completado 23 anos recentemente, fiquei envergonhado de estar aqui, preocupado com bobagens...

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